Get to know us
What We Are About
I began this foundation so our family could share Keith Shanks’ love for others. As his wife and caregiver, I walked this path with him. When he was first diagnosed with Liposarcoma in 2013, we were both overwhelmed by the news and unsure what the future held. True to his nature, Keith handled every obstacle and challenge and never lost his sense of humor. He went into remission later that year, after the surgeons removed the tumor. He remained cancer free until 2017. When we were told that the cancer had returned, we were shocked. We did not know much about this type of cancer but we were told, during the first time around, that, if it returned, it would be terminal. I remember breaking down to my sister-in-law because I didn’t want him to see me cry. We had to wait a couple of weeks to see the specialist who confirmed that it had returned. That was one of the hardest waiting periods, because neither of us could stop thinking about what we had been told. I will always be amazed at his strength when he didn’t let the worrying stop him. Thankfully, the doctor told us that, while it was back, there had been several breakthroughs since his last diagnosis. There were now treatments that could help and more was known about the cause of it. That was such a huge relief! This time around, he needed to do chemotherapy, which was scary for the both of us. As he took each step, he continued to bring laughter to his doctors and nurses. Finally, in January 2018, he was declared cancer free again! He still had to go in for checkup scans, but we were able to start returning to our normal routine.We found out on Valentine’s Day 2019, that after one year, it had returned again. That news was so hard to bear, especially that day. We decided that we wouldn’t talk about it that night, simply wanting to enjoy our day. The next morning, we would prepare to fight the cancer.
The treatments during all three occurrences were different. This third time, we had to stay near the hospital for more than a day at a time. That is when we found Hope Lodge. The family connections we made there played a huge part in helping us through our journey. Everyone that met Keith can tell you how much he loved to bring laughter to everyone and did his best to ensure they were doing okay.
Sadly after a long battle, Keith passed away May 18, 2021. I struggle daily to move forward without him, but I know he will always be with me. This foundation has been started in his honor and to continue to share his love with others. Like most cancer patients, during his chemo treatments he would always get cold because the doctors needed open access to his port and other lines. I searched for hoodies and shirts where they could have access while still keeping him warm. I found several different styles of shirts and hoodies but they still opened wide exposing half of his chest,prohibitively expensive. Anyone who is going through cancer can tell you that money is tight. So he designed somewhere that could access the areas and still be warm. All of the nurses loved the idea and talked about how they hadn’t seen anything like it. We talked about, when he got better, making more of them, so other people could use them. Sadly, we were unable to accomplish that before he passed, but we are working on them now and selling them through this foundation. We are keeping them at as low cost as we can and donating all profits to the foundation. We are calling the line Keith’s Warriors Clothing and Gear.

The Story about Dragonflies
Dragonflies have several meanings, but this is the one that has impacted me the most. Losing my husband is the hardest thing that I have had to go through. Like most people who have lost a loved one, I was shattered. I went through the motions of everyday life, but I felt so lost. For years I have believed that our loved ones give us signs, but I had never experienced it. Shortly after his death, I was visiting his grave just crying. I was telling him how I couldn't carry on without him and I noticed several dragonflies circling his grave over and over again. I just stopped and looked at them in wonder. This was something I hadn't seen any of the other times I had visited. At that moment, for the first time since his death, I felt at peace. Later I did some research, and discovered that dragonflies are symbols that your loved one is still with you and watching over you. This experience brought me a measure of comfort that I wish to share, so it has become a symbol of our foundation.